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2024 PlatformHost Search Engine Submission Schedule
In accordance with the PlatformHost Terms of Service Agreement regarding websites that use subdomains of platformhost.com or platformhostplus.com, the PlatformHost webmaster administration handles ALL of the search engine submissions on behalf of the owners of these websites at no additional charge.
If you are the website owner of a website that utilizes a subdomain name of ours, we have already emailed you a copy of this 2024 search engine submission schedule and are now posting the 2024 PlatformHost Search Engine Submission Schedule here for your convenience.
If your website has been set up using your own domain name, you’ll want to use this submission schedule as your own reference guide regarding your website’s search engine submissions and inclusion in online directories and social media forums. Quarterly social media directory reviews will continue to be taken care of by your online specialists. This popular benefit of your PlatformHost membership will assure you that your social media presence is at its very best.
The 2024 PlatformHost search engine submission schedule should help you in planning ahead regarding the preparation and changes that you may desire to make with regards to your keyword cluster combinations, meta tagging and voice-activated device optimization throughout 2024. If you need to review the PlatformHost Terms of Service Agreement regarding search engine submissions for subdomain names utilizing platformhost.com and platformhostplus.com, you may do so by clicking here.
Jan. 2024: Thursday, January 11 (set robot revisit tags to “1 week”)
Feb. 2024: Thursday, February 8 (set robot revisit tags to “0 week”)
Mar. 2024: Thursday, March 7 (set robot revisit tags to “0 week”)
First QTR Social Media Review: April 2
Apr. 2024: Thursday, April 4 (set robot revisit tags to “0 week”)
May 2024: Thursday, May 9 (set robot revisit tags to “1 week”)
Jun. 2024: Thursday, June 6 (set robot revisit tags to “1 week”) NOTE: Back-to-School promos should be in place.
Second QTR Social Media Review: July 2
Jul. 2024: Thursday, July 11(set robot revisit tags to “1 week”)
Aug. 2024: Thursday, August 8 (set robot revisit tags to “1 week”)
Sep. 2024: Thursday, September 5 (set robot revisit tags to “0 week”)
NOTE: Autumn, Octoberfest, Halloween, and Canadian Thanksgiving promos should be in place.
Third QTR Social Media Review: October 1
Oct. 2024: Thursday, October 10 (set robot revisit tags to “1 week”)
Nov. 2024: Thursday, November 7 (set robot revisit tags to “0 week”)
NOTE: U.S. Thanksgiving, Cyber Monday and Winter Holidays’ promos should be in place.
Dec. 2024: Thursday, December 5 (set robot revisit tags to “0 week”) NOTE: “After-The-Holiday” promos and Retail “White Sales” should be in place.
Please note that all of your website changes and meta tagging should be in place a full 48 business hours before the dates listed above. This will assure that everything on your site is included properly and will allow for any difference in time zones, delays in processing that may occur with various search engines, etc. Over 94.8% of all relevant website visitors originate from search engine traffic and related global, regional and local online marketing exposure activities. Do not underestimate the importance of making sure that these deadlines are met!
If you have questions regarding the proper tagging, meta tag settings, voice-activated device optimization, status of directory listings or other search engine related questions, please do not hesitate to ask your PlatformHost team. Keep in mind that as these deadlines grow near, your PlatformHost team members are also busy doing their part to make sure that your website is ready as well (which involves quite a bit of behind-the-scenes work). Therefore, it is necessary for you to address all of your questions and concerns as far in advance of the above deadlines as possible.
May you have a Highly Successful and Very Prosperous 2024!
Wade - Chief PlatformHost Webmaster, North America
If you have any questions regarding this schedule, please
send an email to: webmaster@platformhostplus.com
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